Monday, September 23, 2013

Free Despicable Me Crochet Minion Beanie Pattern



·         Hook: Size H, 5.0 mm & Size I, 5.5 mm (for 1-eyed Minion

·         Worsted Weight Yarn; Yellow, White, Black or Blue

·         Yarn Needle

·         Black Buttons (The size is your preference)

·         Thread and Small Needle (to sew on buttons)

I used:

Vanna Lion Brand, “Duckie” yellow

Caron One Pound or Caron Simply Soft, white

Red Heart Soft, black

Vanna Lion Brand, Aqua (blue) when I use the blue to border, & a little Grey to border around the eyes.

Sizing: The sizing chart HERE and other sizing information were so very helpful for me when I started to custom fit beanies.

Note: The Ch 2 at beginning does NOT count as a DC. This beanie is made to fit a toddler or small child. I plan to make a pattern for all sizes later this month. The Owl beanies from Repeat Crafter Me HERE inspired me to create this hat.This is my very first written pattern, so if you have any questions about the pattern, or if you find any errors please email me at , or leave a comment, I will be more than happy to help and edit.

Feel free to sell your beanie, just don’t sell the pattern please

Happy Hooking!


With Yellow:

Round 1: Magic Ring, ch 2, 9 dc into ring, join with a slip stitch to first dc made, ch 2 (9 DC)

Round 2: 2 dc in same st as joining, 2 dc in each st around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch2  (18 DC)

Round 3:  2 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in next st, * 2dc in next, 1 dc in next * Repeat from * around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch2   (27 DC)

Round 4:  2 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in next 2 stitches,   

*2dc in next, 1 dc in next 2 sts, * Repeat from * around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch 2 (36 DC)

Round 5:  2 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in next 3 stitches,

*2 dc in next, 1 dc in next 3 sts *, Repeat from * around,  join with a slip st to first dc, ch2 (45 DC)

Round 6: Work 2 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in next 4 stitches,   

*2 dc in next, 1 dc in next 4 sts, * Repeat from * around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch 2 (54 DC)

** Switch to BLACK  before joining round 7, you will work 2 rounds in black**

Round 7: Work 2 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in next 5 stitches,

*2 dc in next, 1 dc in next 5 sts, * Repeat from* around, switch to BLACK, join with a slip st to first dc, ch2 (63 DC)

In Black;

Round 8: Work 1 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in each stitch around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch 2 (63 DC)

Round 9: Work 1 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in each stitch around, switch to YELLOW, join with slip st to first dc, ch 2 (63 DC)

Rounds 10-14: 1 dc in same st as joining, 1 dc in each stitch around, join with a slip st to first dc, ch2

DO NOT FASTEN OFF, Begin instructions for Earflap #1

Earflap #1

Stitch Notes:

hdc= Half Double Crochet

hdc2tog= Half Double Crochet Decrease, Yarn over, insert hook in next stitch, yarn over and pull up loop] 2 times, yarn over and draw through all loops on hook— 1 stitch decreased.

Row 1: hdc(half double crochet) in same st as joining, hdc in next 11 stitches, ch 2, Turn (12 hdc)

Row 2: hdc2tog(half double crochet 2 together), hdc in next 8 stitches, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn (10 hdc)

Row 3:  1 hdc across, ch 2, Turn. (10 hdc )

Row 4: hdc2tog,1 hdc in next 6 stitches, hdc2tog,ch 2, Turn (8hdc)

Row 5: 1 hdc across, ch 2 , Turn . (8 hdc )

Row 6: hdc2tog, 1 hdc in next 4 stitches, hdc2tog, ch2,Turn (6 hdc)

Row 7: 1 hdc across, ch 2, Turn (6 hdc)

Row 8: hdc2tog, 1 hdc in next 2 stitches, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn(4 hdc)

Row 9: hdc2tog, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn (2 hdc)

Row 10: hdc2tog, FASTEN OFF, Continue to Earflap #2

**Count 14 stitches from the seam of the hat (the beginning of the first earflap, and going away from the earflap)

** If you fold your beanie in half, the earflap should line up perfectly

Earflap #2

Slip stitch into the 15th stitch, ch 2

Row 1:hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 11 sts, ch 2,Turn (12 hdc)

Row 2: hdc2tog, hdc in next 8 stitches, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn (10 hdc)

Row 3:  1 hdc across, ch 2, Turn. (10 hdc )

Row 4: hdc2tog,1 hdc in next 6 sts, hdc2tog,ch 2, Turn (8hdc)

Row 5: 1 hdc across, ch 2 , Turn . (8 hdc )

Row 6: hdc2tog, 1 hdc in next 4 sts, hdc2tog, ch2,Turn (6 hdc)

Row 7: 1 hdc across, ch 2, Turn (6 hdc)

Row 8: hdc2tog, 1 hdc in next 2 sts, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn(4 hdc)

Row 9: hdc2tog, hdc2tog, ch 2, Turn (2 hdc)

Row 10: hd2tog, ch 1, Turn , DO NOT FASTEN OFF, Start Trim


Single crochet evenly down the earflap and continue to sc  around the entire hat (you are still using the yellow yarn), Join with a slip st the first sc you made at the top of the earflap, Fasten off leaving a long tail (about 18 inches, this strand will be a part of the braid at the end of the earflap, it make 1 less piece to weave in later

**Pick up either Black or Blue for the final trim**

Make a slip stitch in any sc you just made around the hat, ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in each stitch around, join with a slip stitch to first sc, Fasten Off.  


** ch 2 or ch 1 does NOT count as a stitch**

For 2-Eyed Minion:

Round 1: Magic ring, ch 2 , work 10 tc in ring, join with slip st to your first dc, ch 2 (10 tc)

Round 2: 2 dc in same st as joining, 2 dc in each st around, join with a slip st to your first dc, ch 1 (20 dc)

**Switch to black or grey yarn before joining round 3**

Round 3: (Switch to a Grey or Black yarn) sc in same st as joining, 2 sc in next st, * sc in next st, 2 sc in next, * Repeat from * around, join with a slip st to your first sc. Fasten Off, Leave a long tail for sewing on beanie.

For 1-Eyed Minion

Switch to size I/5.5mm hook

Round 1: Magic Ring, ch 2, 15 dc into ring, join with a slip st to first dc, ch 2 (15 dc)

Round 2: 2 tc in same st as join and in each st around, join with a slip to first dc, ch 1, (30 tc)

**Switch to black or grey yarn before joining round 3**

Round 3:(With Black or Grey) sc in same st as joining, 2 sc in next st, *sc in next, 2 sc in next, * Repeat from * around, join with a slip to your first sc.

Fasten Off, Leave a long tail for sewing on beanie.

** Attach eyes to beanie with a yarn needle before sewing on the buttons. I like to sew along the inside of the single crochet round. Place the eyes along the black strip of your beanie and center them, make sure to leave a little room along the bottom of beanie for the smile. After you attach the eyes with regular needle and thread, sew on the buttons, you can use black or brown buttons, the size is completely up to you I used ½ inch buttons for the 2-eyed Minion, and about a ¾ inch button for the 1-eyed Minion


Cut about 6 inch strands of black pull though with crochet hook on top of beanie, tie in a knot a couple of times. Give the little fella a hair cut, whatever looks good to you. You can do a few strands right on top, or place them all over the top.

Smile (Optional)

With black yarn and a yarn needle, back stitch a half smile.

Braided Earflap

For each ear cut 3, 1 yard in each color (yellow, white, black/blue) Slip through the sc on the bottom of earflap, Pull through and braid down 6 inches, tie off bottom and trim the ends off to about an inch.

Weave in all ends. 

If you need help or have any questions or if you find any errors, email me at, or leave a comment. Feel free to sell your beanie!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Coming Soon! Free Despicable Me Minion Beanie

Hello, and welcome to Cutie Couture Crochet! I am a "Crochet at Home Mom" and have been crocheting for just a little over a year. Needless to say I am pretty obsessed with it. I am in the process of writing my first crochet pattern, I have crochet the below Despicable Me Minion, but forgot to write it down,  is a pretty basic crochet beanie with ear flap pattern, great project for beginners who want to start crocheting hats! 

I hope to have the completed pattern up in just a day or two, here is a picture of how the beanie will turn out. This particular one is the "One Eyed" Minion, however I will provide instructions for the "Two Eyed" one, and this new pattern will also have a half smile stitched in the bottom.